Which E- Cigarette is Best to Start With?

Which E- Cigarette is Best to Start With?

Photographer: Quaid Lagan | Source: Unsplash

It can be hard to decide what e-cigarette to use when you are just starting out. Some people have heard about them, but they do not understand the differences between the several models very well. There are several kinds of models in the market today, so it is important to know the right one for you.

E-cigarettes are, basically, electronic devices that you can use to smoke. You can use them to stop using nicotine, in which case you will vape other substances. Some people, however, just use it as another way to smoke. Why? Because it is cleaner and there are models with special flavors.

Vaping is pretty popular today, so why not give it a chance? In order to start out, you need a great starter kit, though. They got everything that you need to begin using.

How To Choose the Best E-Cigarette Starter Kit?

When you are starting out, your major concern will be to buy something that is balanced in both quality and price. First, it should not be too expensive. It is a waste of money to buy one of the most expensive models when you are still learning the ropes.

You also have to take into account that you need something that is easy to use. Complex models are not for beginners, so they may confuse you more than actually help you. A cheap and simple model won’t do any good if it is simply not good, however, so keep an eye out for quality.

Good models have a great vapor production and come in complete, polished kits. There are many mediocre packages out there that do not have everything that you need in order to have a great experience right from the start.

Other small points should also be considered, too. For instance, ask yourself whether you need removable batteries or in-built ones, how important size is to you, etc. In the end, what matters the most is whether the product is a perfect fit for you.

Here are several options of the best e-cigarette starter kits in the market today.

Morpheus Vape Mod Kit

Created by Mig Vapor, the Morpheus Vape Mod Kit is one of the most complete and accessible options that you can get. It is very portable, easy to use and it can hold up to 3 milliliters of e-juice. The model has a big 3000 mAh battery, too.

This is a very resistant product. Morpheus has a tank made of stainless steel and multicolored rubber seals. It produces a good amount of vapor and its design is perfect for users who are not used to the vaper world yet.

This product costs $69.95 and it can be found in black and silver colors.

Innokin Endura T20

Another great option for new vapers is the Innokin Endura T20. Many devices seem too complicated for new users, but this one really makes the whole experience be easier and it feels great. You only need to use a single button to operate it, so it could not be simpler than that.

With a capacity for 2 milliliters of e-fluid and a 1,500 mAh battery, you can probably spend a whole day vaping using this e-cigarette and you’ll still have a charge.

Innokin Endura T20 has a great cost and you can pick it up for only $24.95 on the company’s store. This makes it one of the best options when it comes to value.

Mig 21 Clear Fusion

This model offers a pretty solid kit. It has an excellent production of vapor and a good flavor, which makes it a sophisticated option for newbies. Its tank capacity is of 1.3 milliliters of e-fluid and it comes with two batteries of 380 mAh each.

Mig 21 Clear Fusion offers a package with a bottle of 30 milliliters of e-juice and it comes with a USB charger and a wall adapter. It is an option for people who want to start out with style.

Something pretty interesting about it is that you can buy it in four colors: black, white, stainless steel and pink. You can grab this model at the store for $69.95.

Kilo 1K

Created by Kilo E-Liquids, this model offers an option for people looking for several flavors, low odor and discreet size. The model is black and it always feels great on your hand. Its liquid capacity is 1.5 milliliters and it can carry four pods per pack.

This option is really all about flavors. There are several options from fruity to strong ones. All of them carry a small dosage of nicotine, though, so you should be aware of that before using this model.

Kilo 1K is not a complete kit, though, but it is highly customizable. You have to buy some of the pods separately. Four of them on a single flavor are $16.95 and the battery device costs $19.95.

Smok Stick V9 Max

Do you want something powerful and yet simple? The Smok Stick V9 Max may be the answer. It has the largest battery of all the options presented here: 4,000 mAh. This could last maybe even two days straight. Its tank is also huge with a capacity of 8.5 milliliters.

The best part is that this looks like a very advanced and powerful model and yet it only takes a single button to work. It is a really robust device that can be used even by beginners without issues.

This option costs $59.99 and it comes with two coils, the tank, a charging cable and a small number of spare O-rings in case you need it.

The Best E-cigarette Depends On You

Some models are better than the ones, however, it’s really up to you. Looking closely at all the options and defining exactly what you need if the best way to determine the right purchase.

If you want the cheap option with great quality, the Innokin Endura T20 is a great choice. However, if you are more interested in getting something stylish and comfortable that has the most complete package overall, the Mig 21 Clear Fusion sounds great. If you really want the behemoth of vapers, though, the Smok Stick V9 Max is the one for you.

when to change vape coil

When to Change Vape Coil: Look For These 4 Signs

Disposable vape pens are very popular, commanding over 23% of sales in CO. Most vaping enthusiasts will prefer something a bit more long-term, though. A proper vaporizer will produce better vapor while reducing the cost per-puff.

Part of achieving this superior end-product is learning how to maintain your vaporizer. Whether you’re using a pen or a desktop vaporizer, cleaning and maintenance are vital. You might as well pay the premium for disposables if you’re not invested in the details of vaping.

With that said, if there were one part of the vaporizer you should pay attention the most, it’s the vape coil. Maintaining and knowing when to change vape coil parts will determine your vapor quality. If you hang onto a vape coil well after it’s expired, you’re in for some bad times.

Avoid bad flavor, bad vapor, and potentially ruining your other vape pieces by early detection. Use this guide to help identify the most common red flags.

Who Burnt the Lettuce?

Your first sign that things have gone south is a burnt flavor. Depending on what you’re vaping (flower, oil, wax), the burnt flavor will vary. Sometimes it is a subtle undertone that you’ll need to catch.

A burnt flavor in a VG-heavy e-juice will resemble burnt oil or vegetables. It’s very foul, while the PG-heavy juices are lighter and don’t linger as much. This is something you’ll find easier to detect as you vape more.

Once your coil starts burning, there’s really no reversing the damage. You have to proactively clean your coil to avoid material sitting and burning it up. This is more of a problem with concentrates, but time is the essence here. 

Change out that coil at the first taste of burnt flavors. If you delay the inevitable, it will taint all your other components.

The Juice is “Off”

E-liquid flavors are a delicate balance of chemistry. The wrong ratios will throw off the flavor, but it’s uncommon with reputable brands. If you’re a regular vaper of a particular e-juice and run into a batch that is “off”, it’s probably the coil.

Even when trying new juices, there’s no reason why the flavor should contain weird or muted notes. E-juices are rarely subtle or contain weird undertones. These are hints that, while your coil isn’t burning, it is aging or underperforming.

This is less obvious with flowers and concentrates sometimes. E-juices also tend to linger in older coils, too. That means that when you swap to a different flavor, you’ll still get a hint of the previous juice. 

In reality, though, you should still get a few more sessions with that older coil, as the residue from the older juice will clear after a few puffs. All of this comes down to your personal preference. Don’t get lazy and run the old coil into the ground, though.

Vaping Mist, Not Clouds

This is one of the least obvious signs when to change vape coil parts out. Heavy users will detect a drop in vapor density almost right away. Casual vapers, it might take them a day or two. 

Eventually, though, towards the end of your coil’s life, vapor production falls. You’ll start taking longer hits to compensate for the poor vapor. This is sometimes confused with nicotine tolerance for some smokers. 

If you notice yourself needing to take longer vapes, check the coil first. It should show signs of failure and frailty.

What the Bong?

Our last, but often annoying sign that your coil needs to be changed is the sound of your vaporizer. Now, when you have a situation where every hit produces a gurgling or extra asperated sound, it can go two ways. It may indicate you have a leak somewhere or that your coil is faulty.

If you have either never changed the coil before or lost track of the last time, this is probably the case. If you have just changed out the coil, then you have a situation with the device itself. Typically, this means there’s a leak somewhere in the chamber or vapor channel.

When to Change Vape Coil Parts

The last thing you want to do is wait until you start experiencing one of these aforementioned red flags before changing the coil. You should practice preventative maintenance to extend the life of your vape and it’s parts. There’s no hard rule on when you need to change it out, but there is a sort of rhythm to it.

Heavy vapers will want to clean their coil every day and change out a new one every week. The quality of your coil and the type will change things a little, but if you’re talking multiple vape sessions per day, you shouldn’t get conservative.

Average vaping of about one session per day should still clean after their session. The coil is going to last you a few weeks, at least. You should keep a close watch on flavor and vapor production.

Casual vapers who vape take a few pulls per week can clean weekly and still get a good month out of their coil. Set reminders for yourself because it’s easy for a coil to go bad for a month undetected. Meanwhile, the rest of your vape pen is getting tainted.

Protect Your Investment

The vape coil is the life force of your vaporizer. You might as well go with disposables if you can’t maintain it. Knowing when to change vape coil parts and how is important for vape ownership. 

Remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on parts and procedures. Watch some videos on YouTube, if you have to see it done. Always give your new coils a few minutes to soil the wick before vaping. 

If you do that, you’ll avoid a lot of premature coil burning. Having a quality vaporizer goes a long way for coil longevity, too. Check out our list of the 10 best vape pens on the market.

vaping at work

Vaping at Work? 13 Things Every Employer Should Consider

The global vaping market is now estimated to be worth around $22.6 billion; needless to say, it’s an exploding industry. However, the technology is still fairly new, so your workplace might not have implemented specific policies surrounding vaping yet.

If you’re in charge of coming up with the policies, you may feel lost. For some guidance, here are some things to consider about vaping at work.

1. Give Your Employees Notice About Policy Changes

If you’re going to change your work policy with regards to vaping, you need to make sure you give employees notice. Generally, you should give them a few months before you implement any changes.

Let’s say you’re banning vaping on-site; you need to give people time to quit or cut down. Banning vaping instantly is only going to cause issues and can impact morale and productivity.

2. Update the Handbook

An employee handbook should exist so employees can refer to it whenever they want to know about company policies. If you make any changes to the policy regarding vaping, you need to make sure it’s represented in the handbook. If the handbook doesn’t reflect your policies, it’s only going to cause confusion for people.

3. Check the Wording

You might have a policy based around smoking in your employee rules, but sometimes, these rules are vague enough that vapers aren’t mentioned.

For example, you might have a policy that forbids the use of nicotine products in the workplace. Some vape juices don’t contain any nicotine, so technically, someone vaping with this wouldn’t be in violation of the rules.

4. Vapes Can Product a Smell

While some vape liquids don’t contain nicotine, they can produce quite a strong smell. Many of your employees won’t appreciate being in the presence of vape clouds.

Restricting vaping based on the kind of smell it gives off is difficult, as it’s such a subjective sense. If you were to ban “strong” smelling vape liquids, there’s a lot of room for interpretation.

5. Consider Your Image

If your employees are front facing, you need to consider the kind of image vaping gives off. Some vapes are made to look like cigarettes, and some customers might not be able to tell the difference. Perhaps you should consider forbidding vaping in front of customers.

6. Some Use Vaping to Quit Smoking

Some of your employees might be using vaping as a means to quit smoking. Will you make special considerations for people who are vaping in this way or will you have a one-size-fits-all vaping policy?

Bear in mind that if you allow vaping for people who are trying to quit smoking, it’s easy for people to abuse this policy.

7. The Evidence Is Inconclusive

While it seems vaping is safer than smoking, the evidence about it is still somewhat inconclusive. While you’re writing your company policy, bear in mind that we don’t know the effects vaping can have on human health yet.

Smoking was initially regarded to be safe, but as time went on, evidence came to light that it was extremely harmful.

8. Vaping at Workstations

Consider if you’re going to allow people to vape at their workstations. There are some benefits to this; for example, it’ll improve people’s productivity since they won’t need to keep stepping outside to vape.

On the other hand, other employees might not be happy to have people vaping close to them. Vapor could also create a residue inside computers.

9. Consider the Batteries

Sometimes, vapers might want to dispose of their batteries. If you’re going to make vaping acceptable at work, you need to make sure vapers have somewhere to discard any used batteries. It’s important that these are disposed of properly and that they’re not just thrown in with the regular garbage.

10. Think About Safety

In certain workplaces, it could be unsafe to use a vape. For example, some vapes emit a high volume of vapor, resulting in a thick cloud. This could impair visibility and lead to an accident.

In some cases, a vape could also be a fire hazard. For example, the vape might explode while it’s being charged. Lots of people order cheap Chinese vapes, which aren’t always put together so well.

11. Set Boundaries

You need to decide if vaping is going to be completely banned or if it’s going to be allowed in smoking areas. Maybe you’ll allow vaping in other areas and not just in smoking areas. Or you can only vape with e-liquids that don’t contain any nicotine.

It’s important to set clear boundaries on what is or isn’t allowed.

12. Consider Employee Morale

A straight-up ban on vaping could have a very bad effect on employee morale. While employees vaping might be bad for productivity, low morale is also harmful to productivity levels. Always consider keeping your employees happy when you’re coming up with your workplace vaping rules.

13. Consider a Quit Smoking Program

Instead of banning vaping and smoking outright, you might want to consider implementing a quit smoking program to help your employees to kick the habit. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances in the world, and it can be difficult to quit while maintaining a high level of work performance.

Have a Solid Vaping at Work Policy

It’s important that you have a specific policy surrounding vaping at work. If your policies are vague, or if vaping is simply not mentioned at all, it’s only going to result in conflict.

When you implement a vaping policy, make sure you consider the morale of your workers. For example, don’t just issue an overnight ban on vaping. If you ease into things, they’ll be more receptive to change.

Need more information on vaping? Then check out this blog article.


E-Cigarettes Are Not the Gateway to Smoking Cigarettes

7 out of 10 smokers claim that they would like to quit smoking in the near future. Many of these smokers may turn to e-cigarette to help reduce the pain of gradually quitting.

So if e-cigarettes can actually help individuals quit smoking, what’s all the fuss about their potential health consequences? Read on to learn more about vaping and the number of physical benefits associated with it.

What is Vaping?

Over the years vaping has risen in popularity. However, many individuals are still unsure about what vaping really is and why it’s used. In short, vaping is the use of an electronic machine, often referred to as an e-cigarette, in which different oils and flavors are loaded and inhaled through a vapor.

Recently, vaping has returned at a popular trend among millennial’s. Now vaping can be used with anything from nicotine to essential oils.

As a result, researchers are finding that there may be some added health benefits that come as a result of vaping. Read on to learn more about vaping and it’s possible benefits.

How to Use E-cigarettes

Once you’ve purchased your first Vape pen or e-cigarette, you’ll find that the mechanism is remarkably easy to use.

To load the cartridge unscrew the bottom of the pen or a cigarette. You’ll find a small spring cartridge where you will load the oil.

Simply remove the old cotton oil applicator and add in a new cotton applicator that has a few drops of your preferred oil applied to it.

From here, you will insert the cartridge back into the e-cigarette and wait for it to load up. Typically you want to wait about five minutes before attempting to vape after changing out the cartridge.

You want to change out your cartridge every couple of weeks or each time you choose to change the flavor. However, a few drops of juice in your e-cigarette can last for days.

You’ll find there are a wide variety of online vape stores and products to choose from, making it easy to always have your favorite flavors on hand.

E-cigarette’s vs. Real Cigarettes

For years there has been speculation that e-cigarettes are the gateway drug to regular cigarette smoking. However, anyone that has tried both versions of smoking can tell you that there is a distinct difference between the two.

Lung Quality

While any type of smoking may have some negative effects on the quality of your lungs, there is a stark difference between water-based vaping and tobacco-based smoking.

Research has found that there are dramatically fewer cases of lung cancer among those who vape compare the two those who smoke traditional cigarettes.

As you discover below, while both e-cigarette’s and cigarettes have the potential to lead to lung cancer, the use of e-cigarettes can dramatically reduce an individuals need to smoke, thus saving them from a higher likelihood of lung cancer in the future.

Quitting Cigarettes

One primary use of e-cigarette’s is creating a healthier substitute for those attempting to quit the use of traditional cigarettes. Due to the extremely addictive qualities of nicotine, it may be difficult to give up cigarettes cold turkey.

Rather than giving up cigarettes altogether, many smokers trying to quit will gradually reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke on a daily basis.

Another benefit of e-cigarettes, when compared to other nicotine alternatives like patches, is that the vapor has total control over the amount of nicotine they intake each time they vape. The individual can reduce the amount of nicotine they inhale by adding less nicotine based oil to their vaping cartridge with each use.

Other Uses of Vaping

 In addition to attempting to quit smoking, there are a number of reasons someone may choose to vape. These reasons may range from physical to mental benefits, depending on the individual and their unique needs.

Vaping and CBD

Over the years the medicinal use of cannabis has been legalized in over half of the United States. This is due to the fact that cannabis offers intense medicinal properties for those suffering from a variety of conditions.

Which is why many individuals choose to Vape CBD oils in an effort to bring relief to a number of symptoms and conditions.

Some symptoms that vaping CBD may help relieve includes

  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Pain brought on by various cancer treatments
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite for those suffering from a severe eating disorder
  • And seizures

If you suffer from any of the symptoms above you may want to talk to your doctor about using Vape CBD oil as a potential treatment option.

Vaping and Essential Oils

Researchers found that the use of various essential oils, whether through aromatherapy or taken orally, can result in a number of health benefits.

For example, lavender has been found to help reduce stress as well as prevent various sleep problems. Smelling and or inhaling mint can help relieve nausea or other stomach related symptoms.

Even the use of essential lemon oil can help energize and refresh an individual. Which is why many people are choosing to load their e-cigarette with different essential oils to help treat whatever their current needs may be.

Not only are essential oils safe, but they’re also an organic alternative to traditional medications.

Finding the Right Vape Products for Your Needs

Whether you want to buy an e-cigarette to quit smoking or to enjoy the many benefits associated with vaping, it’s best to start with quality products.

From starter kits to various juice flavors you’ll be able to find everything you need right here. To start your vaping journey today check out our quality product reviews to see what works for you.


viral vaping

Viral Vaping: Do Couples Who Vape Together Stay Together?

The wedding industry was worth $72 billion USD in 2016. Since then, the industry has been on an upswing.

With revenue like that, it’s no wonder that every year there is a new trend to follow and a style to imitate. The wedding industry needs to keep pushing the envelope in order to remain current and social media-friendly. 

Whether it’s burlap tablecloths or balloon walls that fill your Pinterest board, social media plays a huge role in what is hot for weddings. 

The latest social media craze to make the jump to the wedding industry is viral vaping.

What is vaping? Why is it so popular? And how can you incorporate vape lifestyle into your big day?

Keep reading to see what this new wedding trend is and whether it is a good omen for your happily-ever-after marriage. 

What is Viral Vaping?

Vaping, as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, is a fairly new trend. A vape pen heats e-liquid containing nicotine to a certain temperature. This vaporizes the liquid allowing you to inhale smoke that is free of harsh chemicals. 

Although the practice of heating shisha in order to inhale the smoke has been around since the times of the ancient Egyptians, the modern vape pen design really took off in the early 2000s. Heralded as a means of quitting traditional cigarettes, the trend of vaping has taken off, particularly in the younger demographics. 

Vaping has become trendy, ubiquitous, and very social media-friendly. The trend of snapping pics of yourself and your loved ones while vaping is one example of the viral nature of vaping. 

Don’t believe us? Check out Instagram. There are 26 million posts with the hashtag #vape. 

The social media craze has been picked up by the wedding industry. 

Vaping in Your Wedding or Engagement Photos

If you both play soccer, you’ll probably take a wedding photo with a soccer ball or cleats. Maybe you both ride horses, and your wedding or engagement photos showcase some cowboy boots and stirrups. 

The latest in wedding photo motifs is none other than vaping. 

Although there seems to be plenty of negative sentiments surrounding the trend, it hasn’t seemed to slow it down at all. There are plenty of examples online of couples blowing smoke in each other’s faces. 

Or blowing a smoke cloud together. 

Or the wedding party is blowing smoke in the background. 

The list goes on… 

Other Ways to Include Vaping at Your Wedding 

If you’re a vaping couple, and you want your wedding to be a true reflection of your shared interests, it’s natural to want to include vaping as a part of your wedding. 

The trend of vaping extends beyond just wedding photos. 

Like an open-bar, some couples have chosen to set up a vape bar and provide their guests with vape flavor options. You can get e-liquid in wedding-appropriate flavors such as champagne and cake. 

Asking for a vape starter kit on your wedding registry is now as accepted as asking for mixing bowls. Other ways to include vaping at your wedding include:

  • Providing guests with a vaping etiquette guide for the big day
  • Sending out a guide to vaping at your wedding
  • Hosting a BYO-vape pen wedding
  • Choosing a dark background for your selfie-booth so vape clouds show up better
  • Decorating with a vape theme

The more creative you are willing to be, the more ways you can choose to include your love of vaping at your wedding. 

What Does a Vape Wedding Indicate About Your Marriage?

There seems to be a lot of chatter about what a vape-themed wedding or wedding photo indicates about a couple. 

The truth is, it’s pretty early in the trend to know if any of it means anything in the long-run. Will it even stick around as a wedding theme? Who knows?

That said, psychology does have some pretty strong research about what does positively indicate a good marriage. It turns out that shared experiences and a passion for life are two of the top indicators that a marriage will last. 

If you and your partner are seriously into vaping and vape lifestyle, and you want to involve it in your wedding, do it. A wedding is about celebrating the things you love about each other. So if it’s a thing you enjoy together, it’s something you can, and should, celebrate. 

A vape-themed wedding also seems to speak to the couple’s ability to laugh off the little stuff. Weddings are stressful enough without being too hung up on looking perfect in photos or upsetting guests. 

Have some fun on the biggest day of your life. If vaping is the fun you choose to have, go for it! There’s no rule that says weddings have to be stuffy and boring. 

Maybe the latest wedding trend of vaping is a good omen for the marriage to come… 

The Couple that Vapes Together Stays Together 

Whether blowing-smoke-in-each-other’s-face is the new shoving-cake-in-each-other’s-face or not is yet to be seen. Maybe it will become that ubiquitous. Maybe it won’t. 

What can’t be argued is how viral vaping has become in mainstream life. 

Vaping is so social media-friendly that even the wedding industry is getting on board with it. You should expect Pinterest boards to be popping up any day with ways to include vaping at your wedding. 

Looking for other ways to incorporate vaping into your life and celebrate your love of vaping? Check out our lifestyle blog for other great ideas. 

hookah vs vape

Hookah vs Vape: What’s the Difference?

With celebrities Lady Gaga, Johnny Depp, Rhianna, Katy Perry, Leo DiCaprio, and Sarah Silverman puffin’ on the pen, while Dave Chapelle is lovin’ on the hookah, and Drake and Miley have a thing for both, it’s clear vape juice and shisha have made it into the hearts of many as a chill and social pastime. 

But what’s the difference between these two beloved puffs? And how do you know which one’s for you?

To help get you to that chill place fast, we’ve put together some hookah vs vape basics. Take a look and then try out some smokes for yourself. 

The Basic Mechanics

The hookah and vape devices both involve heating up a liquid to create a vapor that is inhaled and exhaled and almost always contains nicotine. 

The Hookah Puff

A hookah is a water pipe that uses coals to heat up wet tobacco and create vapor that you can smoke. Unlike traditional cigarettes, it doesn’t burn the tobacco, hence the vapor rather than smoke. Still, using the hookah is called “smoking.”

The tobacco typically used today goes by the name shisha. It’s not prepared the same as the tobacco used in regular cigarettes, but it still derives from tobacco leaves. The hookah pipe isn’t built to use tobacco combustion like cigarettes, though sometimes it happens if not done properly. 

The pipe looks as ancient as it is, dating back thousands of years, with a tall head and body, the bowl for the water and moistened tobacco, and multiple hoses with mouthpieces that bring you the tobacco vapor. Often, hookah is done in groups with individual mouthpieces, or one passed between users. 

The Vape

Vaping heats a flavored liquid with a battery-powered electronic heating coil, typically in a small cigarette-shaped device called an e-cigarette or vape pen, and the liquid turns to vapor.

The liquid, and hence the vapor, typically contains nicotine. It does not use tobacco at all, unless for flavoring. 

To get technical, the battery-powered heaters are called atomizers. That’s where the coil sits, and it has organic cotton inside. The cotton soaks up the e-liquid that then becomes vape.  

Some vape devices are disposable, some come in the shape of pens, and some come in the shape of a flash drive. You also pop them right in your USB port to charge. Disposable pens are available too.

The Juice and the Shisha

Hookahs use tobacco-based “shisha” and vaping uses “e-liquid.” Both contain nicotine, although nicotine-free options are available. Both contain vegetable glycerin (VG), and both come in a variety of flavors.

The recipes? Shisha is a blend of honey or molasses, tobacco leaves, and vegetable glycerin plus flavoring. E-liquid blends liquid nicotine with the vegetable glycerin and adds flavor and propylene glycol.  

Hookah vs Vape Flavors and Feel

Both hookah and vape let you combine flavors. Most use classic fruit flavors like strawberry, cherry, mango, apple, and watermelon. And now they’re getting creative with flavors like mint, licorice, and chocolate and blends like cappuccino, creamy orange, and soda. 

The experience physically? Both give you that nicotine buzz.

As for the vapor, it seems to be personal. Some say both hookah and vape-juice vapor feel smooth, while others prefer the vape inhale to what they consider the “harsher” hookah.

Others say the hookah gives a more full-bodied vapor experience. Most find both to be smoother than regular tobacco smokes.  


The first hookahs date back a few thousand years to north-west India. Made of coconut shells and a tube and mouthpiece, these primitive pipes were used to smoke opium and hashish. 

The hookah moved west to Persia, where it got a bump up in design and was used with tobacco. It became part of entertaining in the home.

Then, the hookah saw a revival in Turkey 500 years ago, with gorgeous and elegant new designs and use by the wealthy and intellectual circles. 

While vaping is a direct descendant of the hookah, in that they’re both about inhaling nicotine vapor, the modern vape started when Herbert A. Gilbert patented the first vapor cigarette in 1967 and vaporized flavored air.

A Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik gets credit for making the first current-style e-cigarette circa 2003. He electronically vaporized a nicotine-and-propylene-glycol-based liquid blend. 

The goal was a safer way to inhale nicotine. It hit the Chinese market in 2004 and, based on its success there, made it to the United States in 2007.  

To Inhale or Not to Inhale

Both hookah and vaping provide a way to enjoy nicotine without the tobacco smoke of cigarettes, with the tar and chemicals it contains. Sometimes, if not done properly, there is combustion of the tobacco in the hookah. This isn’t an issue with vaping since there is no tobacco in vape juice and devices, just the liquid nicotine.

Hookahs are usually used in more social scenarios, while vape devices, since small and portable, are often used to help people quit smoking. 

The Culture

The hookah is mostly a social experience. You can smoke alone, but most tend to go to a hookah bar with others or to meet others and socialize. You can have a hookah at home too, of course, and invite friends. 

The hookah requires some setup, and some people like the ritual of taking care of the hookah pipe. 

Vaping also lends itself to ritual but more in the sense of being part of a daily routine like smoking cigarettes. Vaping tends to be a more solitary smoke since you can grab your device or e-cigs and take them with you. You don’t have to be in a spot where you can set up a pipe. Plus, they’re easy to attain.

Same But Different So Decide for Yourself

In the vape vs hookah discussion, the experience of inhaling and exhaling flavored vapor is similar. It’s the how and the lifestyle that are different.

Have you tried both? What do you think about hookah vs vape?

If you’re new, we suggest giving them both a whirl. Vape juice is easier to start with. Check out this post about how to use a vape pen and then go for it.

Vaporesso Polar Kit- A New Vaping Experience with the Perfect Features

Vaporesso Polar Kit- A New Vaping Experience with the Perfect Features

The Vaporesso Polar Kit is an electronic cigarette or e-cigarette that is usually handheld. This gives off the experience of smoking a cigarette. It functions simply by heating a liquid (usually an electronic liquid or e-juice) that generates vapor that is inhaled by users. Components of the e-juice include nicotine, propylene, glycol, glycerin, and flavorings.

Basic Package of a Vaporesso Polar Kit

Having introduced what the Polar is all about, do well to know that it comes with a well packed and pristine kit that is fortified to give you a premium vaping experience.

Enhanced with the pairing of an elegant 2-inch color screen and sleek Cascade Baby SE sub-Ohm Tank, the Vaporesso Polar is both captivating and eccentric. Its 0.001s firing speed offers a combination of fast and safe heating along with a pure, rich flavor from your very first puff to the last. It will also assist fire coils down to 0.03 ohms in wattage mode. This is one of the broadest resistance ranges you can get anywhere.

With elegant yet urban components, the Polar offers users an efficient power output with just a tad bit fire delay. Polar is simply the best bet for instant and premium vaping.

What the Vaporesso Polar Kit Includes

Every Vaporesso Polar kit comes with various components that offer an enjoyable vaping experience. These include:

  1. Polar Mod (without batteries).
  2. Cascade Baby SE Tank.
  3. GT 8 Coil.
  4. GT Mesh Coil.
  5. Replacement glass Tube.
  6. USB Charging Cable.
  7. User Manual.
  8. Warranty Card.

Quality Features and Components of the Vaporesso Polar Kit

The Vaporesso Polar Kit is a stylish dual-battery device that is capable of producing up to 220 watts of power. Among its several features, there is support for temperature control vaping along with Nickel, Titanium and stainless-steel coils.

Indeed, the Polar functions properly on two 18650 batteries that are sold separately. Its two-inch TFT full-color screen gives adequate information on the battery life, coil resistance, wattage or temperature, and more.

Its 45*28*144 mm dimension comprises of a drip tip, top lid, glass tube, isolation component, coil, bottom base, power button, functions keys and a micro USB port for optimal use.

That’s not all; the Vaporesso Polar kit has a tank capacity of 6.5 ml / 2 ml. This Cascade tank makes do of three air flow compartments to produce a much smoother denser cloud. The separation of its coil and juice chamber allows deep flavors at each puff. The Cascade Baby SE tank is also a sub-ohm tank. It’s a top-filling tank that is capable of running up to 130 watts. This depends on the type of coil that is used.

The Polar is fortified with 2.5A which beats the regular 1A as it quickens charging time by shortening it from the regular 4-5 hours to just 1.5 hours of charging. Its two-inch color screen gives its users a premium visual display function.

The Vaporesso Polar is equally enhanced with a premium GT Meshed Coil. Significantly, this coil heats up more evenly when compared to other regular coils. The GT Meshed Coil has a triangular air flow build that helps to enlarge the heating area. The mesh also supplies excellent flavor. It also comes with a 0.15 ohm GT 8 coil that is rated from 50-110 watts with the best range being 60-80 watts.

Safety Features

Another dominant feature of the Vaporesso Polar is that it has a relatively safe chip. This chip offers varying protections from burn, overcharge, short circuit, low power and a host of others.

More powerful and ultra-modern is the Vaporesso Polar’s Omni Board 4.0. The Omni Board 4.0 helps to integrate insta-fire and multiple protections. It ensures high playability with both the super player mode and bypass mode. The super player mode is the broadest resistance range. It’s very adaptive to mainstream tanks. Conversely, its bypass mode allows you to navigate the vape both effectively and safely. Too good to be true, but these two aren’t the only modes housed in the Omni Boards. Other modes include the Smart VW (H/N/S) / VT (SS, NI, TI) / TCR (M1, M2) / CCT / CCW / VV / CCV.


Considering the abundant features of the Vaporesso Polar, you might need a little bit of time before you get used to dealing with the smoking kit. However, most vapers will find that setting and making use of this device will be incredibly easy.

All you need to do is thread on your preferred coil head into the tank. Thread the tank onto the centralized 3510 connection, remove the back panel, and put your two batteries according to the Polar indicators in the battery compartment. Click the “fire” button a total of 5 times, and you’re done.

The Cascade Baby tank comes with a sliding look top fill mechanism which helps with easy and quick refills, so you won’t have to experience much difficulty when it comes to refilling the tank. That, as well as the fact that the tank measures an impressive 6.5 mil in capacity, will see you refilling it about once in 2 days (or maybe a day depending on your usage levels).

How to Lock the Vaporesso Polar Kit

It’s important to prevent the top cap of the Polar from opening accidentally, leaking the e-juice. These steps should help to prevent the kit from accidental opening quickly and easily.

  1. Lift up the top lid.
  2. Unscrew the lid.
  3. Ensure locks down automatically after twisting back.
nicotine levels

Getting Your Fix: Your Guide to Nicotine Levels in Vape Juice

While many people are reporting that they choose to vape to help quit smoking, it must be done carefully for the ideal impact.

Otherwise, it could be a waste of time or end up creating a cross-dependency where quitting one thing requires you to start using another. Nicotine levels in vape juice can be more tightly managed than smoking, which gives you a leg up.

Here is everything you need to know about nicotine and its role in vaping.

Understanding Nicotine

When you think of nicotine, you probably first think about cigarettes. Research around cigarettes has been so thorough that it’s completely uncontroversial to link cigarettes and cancer. The chemicals in cigarettes all play a different role when it comes to what makes them addictive and what causes cancer.

The one thing that researchers agree on is that nicotine doesn’t directly create cancer. However, it has been shown to aggravate cancer cells. That means that once cancer is present, nicotine could make it worse when it is administered at extremely high levels.

Nicotine is less linked to cancer as it is to the addictive aspects of cigarettes. When it is found in vaping, it can cause problems that smokers might be turning to vape in order to avoid.

Nicotine can be a welcome additive in some respects because of the additional feeling it offers vapers. You should avoid getting a high-nicotine vape if you deal with problems related to blood pressure or your heart rate. The calming effect that you can get from nicotine could be offset if you have the wrong combination of health factors.

The dopamine from nicotine can hit in just a few seconds, but it wears off soon, which means that some vapers might use more than smokers. It’s important to watch your intake.

Are You Vaping to Quit Smoking?

For some people who turn to vape juice as a solution to smoking too much tobacco, vaping can be a lifesaver.

However, in some cases vaping can make things worse or just replace one addiction with another. Thankfully there are some vape juices that contain 0mg of nicotine, helping you enjoy what you like about vaping without forming a habit.

Switching to an alternative for the sake of your health is a great idea. For some people, quitting cold turkey could be a challenge, making vaping with nicotine just a first step in their journey. No matter what your path is, there’s a vape juice to suit your needs.

For people looking to quit completely, it’s recommended to start with a nicotine level that’s relative to what you already consume.

However, there are people who enjoy nicotine as is. Nicotine as a powerful impact for people with nervousness or anxiety disorders. People looking to relax without the baggage of smoking cigarettes can find vape juice that offers what they’re looking for.

Getting to Know Nicotine Levels in Vaping

Nicotine levels in cigarettes vary wildly from brand to brand and can even vary based on the time that cigarettes are manufactured and where.

Vape juice has nicotine levels that can vary wildly from 0mg to even as high as 36mg/mL. This means that people who smoke unfiltered cigarettes can get twice the nicotine buzz they’d get from vaping.

The average smoker who smokes a pack a day is going to go for a vape juice with around 12 mg. People who smoke far less often, just a few cigarettes a day, are often happy with 6mg of nicotine.

The great thing about vape juice is that the concentrations are the same day after day. Short vape sessions can come and go, and vaping a higher concentration of nicotine during these periods might be preferred. For people who plan to vape for a few minutes at a time, a lower nicotine concentration might be better.

If you start to feel uncomfortable with your vaping experience, then you should switch to a different nicotine level. This can make vaping much more relaxing and comfortable.

Pick Nicotine to Suit Your Vape Style

If you’re looking for a nicotine level to suit your vaping style, think about how long your sessions last.

If you work on a large campus and just grab a quick puff as you walk from building to building, you might want a higher concentration. If you like to puff while you sit and read on the porch, then choose a lower concentration.

The way that most vape juice and refills work is that you can often switch out cartridges as needed. Rather than having to choose one way of vaping, you can switch it up throughout the day.

If taste matters a lot to you, you might want to keep your nicotine low. High nicotine levels taste much harsher than the average nicotine level. It could be a harsher throat hit too, making you not want to sit back and enjoy the session for as long.

It might take some trial and error to find the perfect balance for what feels comfortable to you.

Nicotine Levels Are Manageable in Vaping

If you choose vaping because of the control you get over nicotine levels, you get the chance to enjoy the things you love about smoking with fewer risks. Rather than risking the addiction or exacerbating any potential illness, you avoid it when you cut the nicotine out or get better control over it.

If you want to take your vaping up a notch, check out our guide to the latest gear out there.

SMOK MICO Vape Kit Pods

The SMOK MICO Vape Kit – Great for Newbies or Seasoned Vapers


Great for Newbies or Seasoned Vapers

When looking for a great vaping device, the SMOK MICO Vape Kit takes the cake. The kit comes with everything you need to get started right away. You can fill the pods with any flavor of liquid you choose, which is a nice option. There are many great features of the SMOK MICO Kit that make it unique and amazing.

The Kit’s Design is Unique and Stylish

The SMOK MICO is available in a variety of colors. The exterior features a resin design so multiple shades of the same color meld together to create an eye-catching design. The exteriors make the unit very easy to identify so you never have to question which one is yours.

Use Your MICO on the Go With Portable Charging

The vape has a very compact design. It can easily be carried in your purse or wallet discreetly, while still providing you with the vaping strength you need. There is a lanyard that comes with the kit that you can use to carry the unit around your neck, as well.

The Kit is Easy to Use No Matter How Much Experience You Have

The SMOK MICO is very easy to use. There are no buttons to push, levels to set or mouthpieces to swap out. All you need to do is fill one of the pods with liquid, place it in the unit, turn the unit on and start drawing.

When you draw in the vape, you’ll notice a smooth, even consistency. You won’t feel any harshness on the back of your throat. It is ergonomically designed to make vaping more comfortable.

The Rechargeable Battery Extends Your Use

The battery in the device is rechargeable so that you can use the device without having to replace the battery. There is an on/off switch to allow you to turn it off when it’s not being used to conserve power and prevent battery safety issues.

An indicator light changes color as the device becomes low on power to show when it needs to be charged. A green light indicates that the battery has ample power, an orange light indicates that the battery has between 30% and 70% worth of power left, and the red light indicates it’s nearing time to charge the battery.

When its fully charged, most people can get through an entire day without having to charge the battery again. The device allows you to still vape while you are charging it. The included charging cord can plug into any USB port.

Refillable Pods Provide Customizable Options

The SMOK MICO Vape Kit comes with two refillable pods. One of the pods has a mesh coil, while the other has a regular coil. There is also an optional ceramic coil that you can buy separately to use in the device.

A viewing window on the MICO allows you to see the amount of liquid left in the pod so that you can refill it when needed. A small opening on the side of each pod makes filling them easy. Many users state that the mesh coil provides more flavor than the traditional coil, but both work nicely.

When using any pod for the first time, it’s a good idea to fill it and let it sit for roughly 10 minutes before you put it in the device. This allows the cotton inside to thoroughly saturate.

A small rubber plug built over the opening of the pod keeps the liquid from spilling out when you place the device in your pocket or purse.

The pods easily slide into the SMOK MICO Vape Kit, so you can change them out as needed. The mouth piece is molded to fit between your lips comfortably, while keeping the liquid from dripping out unexpectedly.

The ability to fill your pod with the liquid that you choose provides flavor options that you don’t get when using pre-filled pods, such as with the JUUL pods.

The Kit Saves You Money on Pre-filled Pods

The device is very affordably priced and comes with just about everything you need to get started. Unlike many other pod devices that are on the market, the SMOK MICO Vape Kit allows you to refill the pods which saves you a lot of money on pre-filled pods.

Vape Safely Thanks to the SMOK MICO Vape Kit’s Safety Features

The device has numerous safety features. It will detect when a pod is not in place so that no electricity passes through it when it’s not supposed to. An eight-second cut off feature keeps the device from supplying power when it’s not being used. Short circuit protection keeps the device from short circuiting and all of the internal workings from being fried.

The only downside  about the device is the length of the charging cord. It is relatively short, but doesn’t take up a lot of space when you are charging the device from your computer or in your car.

The SMOK MICO Vape Kit is a great device for beginners because it comes ready and is easy to use. There is an owner’s manual included with the device as well.

There is a warranty included in the box so that if anything goes wrong in the near future you can have the device repaired or replaced by SMOK.

juul vs vape

JUUL vs Vape Pens: The Ultimate Showdown

Picture yourself as a first-time vaper. Perhaps you want to quit smoking or maybe vaping is your first foray into nicotine.

You walk into a vape shop and stop in your tracks. It’s wall-to-wall options. Where do you start?

Whether you’re a first-timer or a vaping pro, your vape pen will have a powerful impact on your experience. To help you start sifting through your options, let’s talk terminology.

Chances are that you’ve heard of vape pens and you’ve heard of JUULs. What’s the difference and how do you know which one is best for you? Here’s everything you need to know about JUUL vs vape pens.

JUUL vs Vape Pen: What’s the Difference?

As with anything, it’s fun to experiment with different vaping options to see what you like. To help you decide where to start, though, check out the basic differences between JUULs and traditional vape pens.

A vape pen has three basic parts: a chamber for the e-liquid, a heating element, and a battery. It’s a simple process: the heating element warms the liquid to turn it into a vapor, which you inhale.

A JUUL is a specific brand of vape pen. It works in the same way as a vape pen, but it’s a more “closed” product. In other words, you can only use JUUL brand e-liquid in a JUUL vape pen.


Vape pens come in all varieties of sizes, shapes, and colors. There are plenty of brands that make their own styles. However, it’s easy to tell that most of them are vape pens because of the mouthpiece.

JUULs, on the other hand, look more discrete. They’re the shape of a USB flash drive, so it’s not as obvious that they’re vape pens. JUULs are also around the size of a traditional cigarette, making them smaller and lighter than most vape pens.

Nicotine Levels

For the user, one of the most noticeable differences between using JUULs and vape pens is the nicotine level. Most JUUL pods have a high level of nicotine: around the same amount as a full pack of cigarettes. They offer two of their flavors with smaller nicotine levels, but these options are limited.

E-liquids for traditional vape pens, on the other hand, put you in control. You can find them with any level of nicotine, including no nicotine at all.

There are pros and cons to both of these options. The high nicotine levels in the JUUL allow you to get the nicotine you want with fewer puffs. On the other hand, if someone is inexperienced with nicotine, it’s easy to get more than you bargained for.

Ease of Use and Customizability

One reason experienced vapers tend to use traditional vape pens is that they’re easy to modify. You can change the mechanics of them to adjust the effect your vaping has.

It’s the same way mechanics tend to enjoy modifying their cars while people without mechanical skills want a vehicle that’s easy to use.

JUULs, then, are those drive-right-off-the-lot cars. They’re easier to pick up and use than a traditional vape pen and with fewer parts, they’re less likely to have problems. That means that they’re not customizable, though.


Part of the reason people enjoy vaping is the experience of holding the pen in their hand and puffing away. The experience is different based on the type of vape pen you choose.

A JUUL feels more like a regular cigarette than most vape pens. Its size and weight are similar, so you could hold it in a similar way if you choose. The draw feels similar to the draw of a cigarette too.

A traditional vape pen, however, has a feel all its own. Most have a very different shape from a cigarette and require you to hold them in a different way.

All in all, if you’re trying to transition from smoking to vaping, a JUUL will be an easier transition.


Unless you’re Mr. Moneybags, you need to consider pricing in your decision. After all, vaping can become a long-term habit so the costs will add up over time.

The starting packs for vape pens and JUULs cost about the same. For most people, though, the JUUL pods will cost more over time than e-liquid for traditional vape pens.

Of course, it all depends on how much you vape. If the high nicotine levels in JUUL pods mean you’re only inhaling a fraction of what you’d inhale with other e-liquids, you could save money with a JUUL. There’s no way to know for sure until you establish how frequent your habit is.


Vaping gets praise for being a safer alternative to smoking. While nicotine itself has some health risks, that dangerous cancer risk is gone with vaping. Still, along with that praise, vaping has drawn some criticism for another health risk: Diacetyl.

Diacetyl is a chemical that makes food and sometimes e-liquid taste like butter. It can be harmful to your lungs if you inhale it. Diacetyl was the cause behind the epidemic of “popcorn lung” in employees at popcorn factories.

It’s important to note, though, that not all e-liquids contain diacetyl. It’s only used to create specific flavors. If you use a JUUL, you can rest assured that there is no diacetyl in the JUUL pods.

With a traditional vape pen, it all depends on the type of e-liquid you buy. You can stay safe by avoiding e-liquids with diacetyl.


One of many benefits vaping has over smoking is that you can choose your flavor of e-liquid. It’s important to note that traditional vape pens have more flavor options than JUULs.

With a JUUL, you’re limited to the eight flavors of pods JUUL sells. With other vape pens, you can use e-liquids from countless brands, making your flavor selection as good as limitless.

Choosing Your Vape Pen

Whether you’re starting your vaping journey now or you’ve enjoyed vaping for years already, the vape pen you choose will set the tone for your experience. To compare a JUUL vs vape pen, take a look at the differences above and compare the pros and cons that appeal to you.

For more handy tips about vaping, check out more articles on our vaping blog.