Grab A Dab Pen for Less

Dab pens have become the new normal; everyone has one or is getting one. So, to help you out, I’ve reviewed a couple of the lower priced pens because I know this is what the masses jump on to try something new!

Important Things to Know Before Your Vape Pen Purchase!  

Charge the pen first– This is so you don’t burn out the battery before you start. 

Don’t Charge Too Long– The light will change color when fully charged.  

Read the instructions– Read all labels, instructions, and warranties before purchasing. This can save you more money in the long run.  

No long Drags– These can burn your lips and that isn’t fun. Pull till it warms up a bit but not too deep!  


Boom Sd Mini Pen/Pen (steel) by Boom 

The first one I tried was the Boom Mini. It really wasn’t that good—the hit was a bit harsh. I’m not sure if that was because of the products or the vape juice. The pen got really hot, really fast on long drags. It also only had one coil working properly. 

Beware that this will not come with directions so make sure to read up on how to use it. The thing with these is that they are best for concerts or long trips when you don’t want to bring out your more expensive vape pen. It’s completely disposable and really not useful for anything other than a backup that you don’t mind losing or breaking. 


Organic VitaVape – with Hemp oil – Vitamin Essential Oil 

The second pen I tried is an oil pen. Organic Vita is pure hemp oil, although it’s commonly referred to as a vitamin pen. I understand that a lot of people will use this if they hate taking pills like I do.  

Hemp is completely healthy and this one keeps out all the nasty chemicals. I would go as far as to say if you’re trying to put down the cigarettes this might be the way to go.  


The Wax Pen/SD Pen in Black  

This standard wax pen is perfect. It was a little pricier than the last two and it seems cheap, but it worked the best. It also came with the complete kit 

Use goods like wax, shatter or the tiniest amount of bud with this pen; you don’t want to go overboard and ruin it. The pen takes a USB charger so be prepared to wait for a full charge. The hits are really smooth too. No coughing. For the price, it was worth it. 


Final Thoughts and Overall Opinions

I think all of these pens should come with extra coils or little replacement pieces to add more value but in general, they are made for short use. For what it’s worth, most of the pens did their specified jobs and the hits were not that bad either.  

When it comes to buying things like this online, you always get what you pay for. The pens all pretty much work the same, or at least very similar. As long as you thoroughly check everything—like how I told you-you should have a decent vape pen.  

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