How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes Using a Vape

How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes Using a Vape

Are you ready to quit smoking for good, but aren't sure which method is right for you?

This is a common problem smokers run into. Prescription medications, special chewing gum, and therapy all claim to reduce cigarette cravings and help a person quit smoking. However, what works for one person may not be right for you.

Fortunately, vaping offers a way to cut out cigarettes while still enjoying the act of smoking. In fact, vaping offers something totally new – a wide variety of flavors and devices.

Plus, vaping doesn't come with a laundry list of health hazards like tobacco cigarettes do. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 16 million Americans have a disease caused by smoking cigarettes. Any way you slice it, it's time to quit.

But before you go all in and buy a vaping kit, you need to know some basics. Let's go over some easy tips to help you quit smoking with a vape.

Know Your Device Options

Vaping is vaping, right? Not quite. The first thing you'll need to consider is the device you use. This may seem like an insignificant detail, but if you're taking up vaping to quit smoking, it could have a big impact on your success.

The primary distinction you need to make is between the e-cigarette and the vape pen. Both are effective vaping devices, but there are some features you need to consider before making a purchase.

An e-cigarette is a small device made to look like a real cigarette. They're compact and come with a rechargeable battery and e-liquid cartridges. You inhale just like you would a real cigarette. This is a good option if you want to ease into vaping and feel like you need the same oral satisfaction you got from cigarettes.

You may also opt for a vape pen, which is what you see most vapers using. These are larger devices that contain a chamber for the e-liquid. Vape pens have a longer battery life and are typically a bit more expensive. However, they're often much smoother and can be modified to fit your vaping preferences.

Be Choosy With Your Flavors

One of the biggest benefits to vaping is the wide range of flavors to choose from. In fact, this may be the best part about choosing to quit smoking using a vape.

However, choosing the right e-liquid flavor is more important than you think. If you make a decision without thinking it through, you could end up hating it. The next thing you know, you'll be ditching your new vape for cigarettes.

You'll be amazed at how many flavors of e-juice are out there. Fruit, candies, and foods are all available. However, it may be better to try more adventurous flavors after you've gotten used to vaping.

A great tip for beginners trying to quit smoking is to choose a flavor closer to tobacco. The familiarity with real cigarettes could help you acclimate to vaping. Keep in mind you can have a special blend created that suits your taste.

Consider the Strength of Your E-Juice

According to the National Institutes of Health, 75-80% of people who try to quit smoking relapse within six months. This is due to the power of nicotine addiction.

E-juice comes with different levels of nicotine. If you're trying to quit smoking, choosing the right strength is important. Initially, you'll probably want something fairly strong.

It may seem strange to go with a stronger level of nicotine while trying to cut out cigarettes. However, if you start with an e-juice with very little nicotine, you may be prone to overusing it in order to feel satisfied.

The best approach is to think about how often you smoked cigarettes and start with an appropriate level. For instance, if you smoked a pack a day, you need a high nicotine level. Moderate smokers can start with less.

Lower Your Levels Over Time

After you've chosen the right flavor and nicotine strength, you'll probably start vaping all the time. There's a good chance you'll enjoy it right away. This is great news. You're no longer consuming cigarettes but still enjoying the pleasure of vaping. However, you have some work to do before you've officially quit smoking for good.

The next step is to start lowering the nicotine level of your e-juice. This means you'll be giving your body less of the nicotine it's been used to and cutting down your dependency on it. The process can be tricky, so don't jump the gun.

One of the best ways to know it's time to lower your level is by considering how much you use your vape. If you started by using it all the time and now don't seem to rely on it as much, it's time to think about moving to a lower level.

Try intentionally leaving your e-cigarette or vape pen at home when you go out. If you start having serious cravings, you may need a little more time with your current nicotine level. However, if you feel fine waiting until you get home to vape, you may be ready to lower your dose.

Take the Plunge and Cut Out Nicotine

If you've gone as low as you can with your nicotine level and don't feel like you depend on it, think about making the switch to zero-nicotine e-juice. This may be intimidating at first, but once you do it, you'll realize there was nothing to worry about.

It may help to set a date when you plan on cutting out nicotine. Or, you may just need to be spontaneous and start right away. Whatever method works for you.

The great thing about vaping is that you still get to enjoy the act of smoking, even if there's no nicotine or tobacco involved. In fact, if you've been using an e-juice with low nicotine for some time, you may not notice a difference.

Invest in a Vape and Quit Smoking Now

If you're ready to give cigarettes the boot for good, vaping may be the answer. Moving to a vape will allow you to quit smoking on your terms. Plus, you may find a new hobby in vaping.

Keep the tips discussed above in mind when vaping for the first time. You'll probably find that quitting smoking was easier than you thought.

Check out these starter kits with all the gear you need.


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