Customizable RDAs for Experienced Vapers

The vaping culture has given birth to a whole new set of terms and products that most people had never considered important before. Among these is the rebuildable dripping atomizer, or RDA. This is the piece that often confused for a tank but actually works to collect the juice and keep the flavor and flow consistent. 

When looking for a customizable RDA, it’s important to know what you want to get out of it. Some people use it to increase the flavor and to make the experience more intense, while others have found that it can create a remarkable cloud. Hopefully choosing your product will be a little bit easier with some of the latest reviews. 


Prolong Your Flavor and Cloud with the Wotofo Troll V2 RDA

With its duel adjustable airflow, the Wotofo Troll V2 RDA is one of the most customizable products on the market. It allows the user to have an unparalleled level of control over the airflow and fits an array of available mods. The versatility combined with the adaptability make this RDA an excellent buy for anyone who’s looking to upgrade their current model. Don’t be thrown by the dual coils—they actually add to the overall experience. 


The Vandy Vape Pulse 24 RDA Takes Quality to the Next Level

The Vandy Vape Pulse 24 RDA was created for bottom feeding squonk mods. The overall design splits the flow of your vape juice between your squonk and your coil, making for a more versatile draw. The 24mm post-less deck makes it easier to attach this model to larger coils, but your box mod or mech mod will need to be able to accommodate it. The airflow is directed straight to the wick and coil, making the flavor incredibly intense. This combined with a 7mm capacity creates an RDA that is truly one of the best values on the market.  


Improve Your Style with the Hellvape Dead Rabbit RDA

This RDA allows you to choose from a large array of customizable colors, and the four-post design let you attach it with less fuss than other models. The 5 mm juice well creates an even flow while allowing enough space for most single and dual coil builds. The Hellvape Dead Rabbit RDA has a top slanted airflow that can be adjusted to the preference of the user. Not only does this RDA look fantastic, it also allows for a completely customizable vaping experience. Whether your aim is to create a larger cloud or to intensify the flavor of your favorite vape juices, this is one product that offers you the best of both worlds. 


Experience Intense Flavor with the Goon RDA by 528 Customs

When it comes to an RDA that works to intensify flavor while allowing for a completely customized build, the Goon RDA by 528 Customs does it all. This particular model isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires some skill to put together and is designed to prevent leaks and maximize flavor. With an impressive housing capacity, the Goon RDA holds onto your favorite juices longer and improves the experience at the most basic levels. 

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