
Wotofo x Mike Vapes Recurve 24mm BF RDA

I’ve been a vaper for years now and have loved every minute of it. I’ve tried new vape tanks, box mods, and vape juices and I have never had a complaint or bad experience until I wanted to get an RDA.

I have used a lot of my friends RDA’s and have loved them; I actually loved them so much I decided to get one myself.

I ended up buying the Wotofo x Mike Vapes Recurve 24mm BF RDA without the knowledge of how to build the coils or the understanding that I would go through a ton of vape juice like 10-20 milliliters in a day, which is just insane.

I bought the Wotofo x Mike Vapes Recurve online and went into a vape shop as soon as I got it in the mail. I had the guys at the shop show me how to assemble the coil and show me how to use it.

Everything went well while I was in the shop but as soon as I left things started falling apart. I immediately burned the brand-new cotton I had the guys at the vape shop put into the coil for me. I didn’t know I had to constantly open it after every 2-3 hits and apply more juice.

Wotofo x Mike Vapes RDA V.S Cotton

So, I was vaping while driving home and got a nasty hit but didn’t think anything of it. I ended up taking a huge rip to test out the airflow and I almost passed out from coughing so hard. The taste was miserable, and it burned the back of my throat because there was no juice left on the cotton.

This isn’t the Wotofo x Mike Vapes Recurves fault: it’s mine because of my lack of knowledge but it still really upset me.

When I got home, I did exactly as the guys at the vape shop did to set up a new coil and I failed miserably. My hands were shaking, I cut too much cotton off at once, so it was too small to fit through the holes and I was getting upset.

I couldn’t figure it out, so I get back in my car and drove to the vape shop, again and they set it back up for me. I shook off the bad experience and went back to having a good attitude and being excited about my new tank.

A few days went by and I ran through two bottles of juice which would usually last me about two months. I went to the shop to buy more vape juice and asked the worker if it was normal for me to be going through so much juice.

He told me RDA’s take more juice than tanks because they can be used on a higher wattage and have more airflow. I was pretty annoyed, bought more juice and made the decision to switch back to my usual sub-ohm tank.

Back to the Tank

The Wotofo x Mike Vapes Recurve 24mm BF RDA is all around an amazing RDA. I wish I had the patience and money to use it on my mod. I just don’t understand how to build the coils and can’t stand how much money I have spent on juice in just a few weeks.

I’m not sure if I’m using it wrong or it is just a lot of maintenance, but I wouldn’t recommend this tank to anyone who is low on money or has shaky hands. It is hard to build the coils if you don’t have a steady hand. So, I’ve made the switch back to my tank but maybe in the feature I’ll try another RDA. I would just need to practice using and building the coils first.

If you are an experienced RDA user I say get it but if you’re new with vaping, stay with the vape tanks.